Quincy Davis & Swish @Long Men Junior High School
Quincy Davis III held a very special basketball event on October 7th, 2017 @ Long Men Junior High School. Davis visited the school via networking with the diligent parents, teachers, and friends within the school who really care about the development of their kids and their program.
Coach Don from Swish Academy was asked to join him with Mrs. Grace, and Mr. Philip, respectively.
A scrimmage between Long Men and Min Tsu Junior High schools was scheduled, giving Davis the opportunity to watch, take notes and drop a few gems for the kids to learn from and apply in their journey in the sport of basketball.
Swish Academy would like to extend gratitude to Davis, Grace, (The TYGA Program), Coach Meng and his players from Long Men, The coach from Min Tsu and his players, Mr. Philip, and the many other people involved behind the scenes! (There are also many other people involved that I am unable to name do to me being unable to write their name in Chineseā¦ Again, Thank you!)
#SwishAcademy #TYGA #QunicyDavis #LongMenJuniorHishSchool #MinTsuJuniorHighSchool #CoachMeng #Swish101 #Youth #Basketball #DonSingleterry #Taipei #Taiwan #Coach